Sunday, August 25, 2013

Life Authentic and Free

Almost 2 decades ago a great friend of mine handed me a book.  It changed my life.  

I have read this book so many times during so many aspects of my life.  It has taught me so many lessons.  The idea of the book is about a woman who is faced with the pain of a break up but really it is about so many things we all deal with.  This book came to mind when I started thinking about my new journey. 

Basically, God comes down and teaches a woman a new way of living.  Simple basic principles we all need to live by in order to live freely and authentically.  These lessons are my goal for the year.  I am striving to learn them and live them.  In part to help my similar life and in part to heal my heart.

Do not build walls, for they are dangerous.  Learn to transcend them. 

So many people build walls.  I am horrible with this.  Absolutely horrible!  You do wrong by me and I cut you out.  And then I build up walls to prevent that same type of person coming into it.  It is horrible because at the root of this you are hurting only yourself.  I am working on this but it is so painful.  I have an extremely difficult time forgiving people.  Or I will let you in but keep a huge wall in between us so I won’t get hurt again.

One of my walls is everything is personal.  Meaning everything which happens is ultimately because I am a bad person.  So I have been trying this year to squash this.  I will react as I always have and then come back at a later point and say ok let me tell you the story I told  myself in that moment.  Is that what you meant?  And you know what.  It never is.  I am never the reason someone is reacting. They are telling themselves their own story and reacting off of their own story.  This brings us to rule 2.

Live in the moment, for each one is precious and not to be squandered.

I live in the future, I live in the past.  So much over this year I have focused on living in the now.  This is super difficult but my daughter is the first to knock me into the present.  She gives you this look like hello; I am the only thing which matters and playing with this ball right now.  And she is right.  As hard as it is to have a mirror all day everyday she is at least the cutest little mirror ever made. 

Take care of yourself, first and foremost! 

I am a peacekeeper.  Meaning I generally push myself to the bottom of everything to ensure everyone else is happy.  But this year I have begun to find my voice.  I have begun to put my needs first.  This has been ugly let me assure you.  I have a mother in law I barely speak with, a husband who is learning hard lessons, and friends who completely don’t understand me.  But I feel good for the first time in years.  Although this is really rule number 3 this has been my main focus this year. 

Drop the ego.  Be real.  And watch what happens.

This rule I think I do.  (For the most part, if I feel really comfortable with you and know you are real.)  I am real.  I never beat around the bush when I talk to people.  I am very authentic.  I hate political correctness.  Just tell me straight up what you are thinking.  I just want to hear it.  It might be painful to hear but the truth is never hurtful.  People who are fully of the ego don’t know how to deal with people who are real.  I have seen my friendships grow by being super real with people.  Also I see people shy away when I am super real because they are not ready for it.

All things are possible all of the time.

I am a huge believer in this.  You just have to be willing to work for what you truly want.  The trick is knowing what you truly want.  Some people think the really know what they want and then they get it and not enough thought was given to what they really wanted so they are miserable.  So definitely be careful what you wish for.  I am fortunate enough to be a person whose dreams all came true and am learning to dream bigger.

Maintain Universal Flow.  When someone gives, it is an act of generosity to receive.   For in the giving, there is something gained. 

I am a huge giver.  Anyone who knows me knows this.  I think it is definitely better to give.  But I am a horrible receiver.  I think it is too much and I am unworthy of it.  So I need to remember this to keep my balance as well. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The light of my life...

Please meet the light of my life. 

This little girl changed my life forever.

For those who don’t know me or my little story.  When I was in my early twenties I was told I would never have a baby.  I was told to move on with my life and figure out a different path.  So I worked and I worked and worked myself ragged.  I couldn't even keep the most casual relationship going and I had lots of material things but my life was work. One day I woke up and realized I was not happy.  So I picked up and moved across country to finish my degree and find the things which mattered to me. 

So I got an entry level job and went to school full time.  And on I went for about a year.  I wasn't finding it so I was going to move back to Florida.  And then... I met husband and so the story goes.  He was willing to love me in spite of me and he was willing to fight for what I really wanted.  Soon after we got married we refused to accept the nos I had been told time and time again and went to a bunch of doctors and found one who finally said no problem you will have your baby.  So surgery and a thousand doctors appointments later, here I am a mother of a perfect 1 year old.

What does that mean?  I am a working Mom struggling to make ends meet while doing my best to raise my daughter the best I can.  I tried keeping my regular job but the drive was killing me.  I never saw my daughter I woke up at 4am.  So I took a lower job in order to work closer to home.   I work a little later in the morning so I am the one who gets her up every morning and feeds her breakfast.  I am home every night to have dinner with my family and give her a bath and read her bedtime stories and put her to bed.  

I compensate for my time away from her by trying to be my best for her.   So I pumped and pumped until I could pump no more and I have made every bite of food she has ever eaten. 

I made sacrifices.  I don't get mani/pedis, I don't get my hair done, I tell my friends no;  ALL THE TIME.  If you don’t come to me after she goes to sleep the answer is no.  Twice in the entire year I have not put my daughter to bed.  Those were both very painful days for me.  I hate every minute away from her.  Wonderful Mama Guilt.  I  never realized it would be like this.  And I watch her become pieces of me, the neighbor, her Grandma and my husband.  I watch her have days where I am not what she wants but Dada who doesn't leave as much as I do. 

Here I am a working Mom trying to do it all when finally I realized I don’t want it all.  Because having it all means I have to decide between being seen as a mom or a career woman.  Having it all means sacrificing my daughter just a little.  So what do you do? 

One day I was  talking to a great friend who is in the same predicament.  She was finding her zen.  And it got me thinking?  What is my Zen?  So I am trying to figure it out.  But I know that I don't want to have it all but instead have what really matters to me.  

My plan?  Back to the basics.  Moving out of the city moving to a cheaper place, growing my own food and raising my own animals.  My Zen looks like this to me...