Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Useless emotions

Monday Mornings!

Oh how I love Monday mornings.  All weekend I have run around trying to devote enough time and energy to my daughter.  Enough so I don't feel the dreaded Mama guilt.  On top of this try to do something relaxing and of course get done my laundry list of to dos.  

Mondays I might look like this:

But on the inside I look like this:

While I laughed when I saw the video it is definitely how I feel inside.  Crazy, emotional, overwhelmed.  

But we must walk into work happy, rested ready to start our day.  

My weekend consisted of this:

A beautiful bedroom for my daughter.  Meticulously thought out and executed.  All to show her my love. To squash a little of my self imposed guilt.  I am a smart woman.   I know my daughter knows I love her more than anything but sometimes I let the Mama guilt and anxiety get the best of me and I make myself crazy to show my complete love to her.  

And does she know?  No, she cried. New room, new space and she was scared.  I know she will get used to it and as she gets older she will love and appreciate the room as much as I want her too but now she is just a scared little baby who is in a strange new room.  

So we all lose focus.  We forget the important things.  Lucky for me I have an extra day off this week to spend time with her and show her what is really important.  Helping her learn to dance standing up!! You see an amazing thing did happen.  She was trying to get my attention off the silly room and she WALKED!!! 

My little girl taught me a hard lesson.  The room doesn't matter but her achievements mean the world!  

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